Play! Pokémon (official)
Pokémon Professor Roundtable (invite-only; if you’re not a member of the group, ask another Professor to get added)
Pokémon Professor Chat
- Lewymd’s prize payout calculator: A quick-and-easy calculator to determine a prizing option for tournaments. This is by no means the only prizing structure that can be used, but one that has been popular among players.
- Bullados’s tournament schedule: A great way to estimate how long a tournament might take.
- Professor Name Tags: Order a TPCi-approved name tag (must be in the Pokémon Professor Chat Discord server)
- Judge Guidance: Articles on PokeGym clarifying how certain situations should be handled
- The Compendium: The Pokémon TCG Rulings Compendium is a fan-compiled listing of all official TCG rulings. All rulings listed here are official, and the site is endorsed by TPCi.
- PokePopCast: A video series covering topics for the TCG, including many that are important for Judges and Tournament Organizers
- Ask the Rules Team: A forum where rulings can be requested that are not already in the Compendium. Responses in this forum can be regarded as official.
- Judge Manual: While a bit outdated (last updated in 2012), this manual serves as a guide on how Judges should act in different situations.
The Battle Institute (Tournament Organizers)
VGC Judge Academy (Judges)